WON2 Patch for Players

WON2 Patch for Players
Version 2.5D (October 2005)

Compatible with:
Half-Life, Counter-Strike Retail all versions
Half-Life, Counter-Strike Retail all versions with Wine/Cedega

This patch is an update for your Half-Life: You will be able to use the WON2 masterserver for getting serverlists and using WON2VAC and lots of other features. For more info about WON2 features check this page. Note that the Half-Life update does the same as this patch, the only difference is that it includes extras and bug fixes for Half-Life. You should consider yourself which one you want to install. This patch also takes care of listing servers. So be sure to install this patch to your HLDS installation, if you want to have your server listed on WON2.

How to install this patch

Download WON2 Patch for Players here.

Extract the file in \valve\ of your Half-Life / Counter-Strike Retail directory.
If asked to overwrite woncomm.lst, always click Yes.

Example: C:\Sierra\Half-Life\valve\
or C:\Sierra\Counter-Strike\valve\

Now you can use the Update button in your Half-Life serverbrowser.

HLDS versions,, HLDS2 and the native Linux versions require you to overwrite valvecomm.lst with the included woncomm.lst. This means that you need to remove valvecomm.lst and rename woncomm.lst to valvecomm.lst.

The Half-Life Update contains an outdated version (2.4/C) of the WON2 Patch for Players. You can safely update your Half-Life installation by installing this patch.

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